Holidays on the Land

1 Fir'mo' (January) - First Day
Akin to New Year's Day on Earth, but bigger. The holiday celebrates not only the first day of the new year, but also the first day of the world, the day God created the Land, Connor, and Bridget.

2 Fir'mo' (January) - First Day of School
First Day of the Spring Semester, and of the School Year. Children begin first grade in the year they turn 6, and must normally complete 10 grades of school, graduating the year they turn 16 (though they can also request final exams at some earlier year, if they feel they can pass the 10th grade level requirements). After that, they may continue their education at a university, if they can afford it. Since schools did not exist until 904, that year incoming students were given placement tests to determine which grade to start at, regardless of age, based on their level of general knowledge. This test could be requested any year thereafter, as well.

8 Win'yet (February) - New Order Day (Inauguaration Day)
Originally established in 904 as New Order Day, the official start of the Second Order, the secular world government (though the leaders at that time were all "pro tem"). This aspect is somewhat confused with Coming's End Day, in Aut'yet. Six months after the first New Order Day, on 8 Su'yet, the first world elections were held. Another six months later, on 8 Win'yet 905, the first world inauguarations were held, and this day took on its secondary name.

29 or 30 Win'yet (March 1) - Schism Day
Not really a holiday in any sense, but Landers are aware that this day, the penultimate day of Win'yet, is the first day of March on Earth. Because all Landish months have either 30 or 31 days, Win'yet always has two more days than February. It is therefore necessary for two Landish months to have 30 days where the corresponding Earth months have 31. These months are March and May.

31 Win'yet (March 2) - Quad Day
Occurs once every four years, on Quad Years. Same exact thing as Leap Day on Earth, except two days later.

17 Sp'gin (March 19) - Winter's End Day
The last day of Winter. A day to look back on Winter and say a wistful good bye to its enjoyable aspects for the year, and to a lesser extent, to celebrate the end of its not so enjoyable aspects.

18 Sp'gin (March 20) - New Spring Day
The first day of Spring. A day to forget Winter entirely, both good and bad, and look forward to the new season.

2 Sp'mo' (April 2) - Ice Cream Day
To be honest, I just made this up because "ni" is Japanese for "two," so the second day of the month would be Sp'mo' ni, which sounds like "spumoni." And also I think the Land could do with some of the sort of extraneous sort of "holidays" that Earth has, which most people aren't even aware of and wouldn't care about. So, whatever, this could be one of those, I guess...

7 Sp'yet (May 8) - Son's Day
A day where parents show their appreciation for their son(s).

13 Sp'yet (May 14) - Mother's Day
A day where children show their appreciation for their mothers.

Su'gin (June; month-long) - Pilgrimage Month
Annual pilgrimage of the (First) Order to Monab. It lasts all month, during which the bishops of all the villages compare notes, work on additions to the O'Gast, engage in spiritual retreats and personal meditation, and generally reaffirm their faith and celebrate the founding of the Order and the village of Monab in 404.

1 Su'gin (June 1) - Synch Day
Day 152 on both Earth and the Land (153 on Leap/Quad Years), the day the Earth and Landish calendars resynchronize. The calendars will remain in synch until the next year's Schism Day.

2 Su'gin (June) - Summer Vacation begins
The last day of the Spring Semester is actually 30 Sp'yet, which is a "field day" at school, though unlike the last day of the school year, students generally choose to celebrate the first day of Summer vacation as a holiday.

7 Su'gin (June) - Brist's Day
Celebrates the day in the year 100 when Lucifer introduced the concept of religion to Brist, who also first coined the term "spirit-talker." It is because of this holiday that the annual Pilgrimage is set in the month of Su'gin, and is the most important date in the First Order's year, other than First Day.

13 Su'gin (June) - Daughter's Day
A day where parents show their appreciation for their daughter(s).

19 Su'gin (June) - Father's Day
A day where children show their appreciation for their fathers.

20 Su'gin (June) - Spring's End Day
The last day of Spring. A day to look back on Spring and say a wistful good bye to its enjoyable aspects for the year, and to a lesser extent, to celebrate the end of its not so enjoyable aspects.

21 Su'gin (June) - New Summer Day
The first day of Summer. A day to forget Spring entirely, both good and bad, and look forward to the new season.

Su'mo' (July; month-long) - World Fair
Occurring once every four years, on Quad Years. Villages take turns hosting it, in the order of their foundings. It's like a combination of the Olympic games, and Mardi Gras, and a huge fair, and a huge flea market (or flea bazaar as they'd say on the Land), all kinds of exhibits, and... I can't even say what all. Unrelated to the World Fair, it's worth noting that Landers sometimes refer to Su'mo' as the heaviest month of the year, by which they mean the hottest, as the heat weighs heavily upon them, and is sometimes hard to bear.

8 Su'yet (August) - Election Day
Six months prior to Inauguration Day, in Win'yet. Established in 904, the year after the official (if not technical) end of the Coming. The King and all other federal and local officials are elected, and other issues voted upon. A king is elected every four years, federal officials every five years, and village officials every three years.

2 Aut'gin (September) - First Day of School (Autumn Semester)
The end of Summer vacation, when students return to complete the school year.

21 Aut'gin (September) - Summer's End Day
The last day of Summer. A day to look back on Summer and say a wistful good bye to its enjoyable aspects for the year, and to a lesser extent, to celebrate the end of its not so enjoyable aspects.

22 Aut'gin (September) - New Autumn Day
The first day of Autumn. A day to forget Summer entirely, both good and bad, and look forward to the new season.

31 Aut'mo' (October) - Samhain
The name is borrowed from the Celtic holiday on Earth, which was learned of from spirits. It is in most ways celebrated as Halloween is on 21st century Earth, though there are more traditional elements of Samhain and Dia de los Muertos thrown in, along with some uniquely Landish innovations. It's called Samhain on the Land for no particular reason except that people like the name.

9 Aut'yet (November) - Last Battle of Triscot
This is not an official holiday on the land, but rather a day of remembrance and mourning among Protestants. It commemorates the day in 903 when the last major battle of the Coming was fought, on the estate of Adam of Triscot, in which Adam, most of his family and allies were killed.

29 Aut'yet (November) - Coming's End Day
This is somewhat confused with New Order Day, in Win'yet. It was established in 903 as the official end of the Coming, 20 days after the last major battle. It is distinct from New Order Day in that there were a few months of general chaos remaining prior to the official establishment of the Second Order. The old ways of the world were essentially over, but the new ways were not quite in place, and there were some mopping up actions still under way, even if the Order didn't consider them an actual part of the war.

18 Las'mo' (December) - Last Day of School
Last day of the Autumn Semester, and of the School Year. Final exams will have been completed by the previous day, at the latest, so this is basically a "field day" during which teachers mostly finish grading papers, and students mainly party and socialize with friends, who they may not be seeing again for awhile, until First Day of School on 2 Fir'mo'.

19 Las'mo' (December) - Commencement
Those students who have completed the required curriculum for tenth grade (usually at age 16) are assigned mental stamps for their adult licenses. This is usually the last stamp a person receives, making them a fully legal adult. This is also graduation day for students who have completed four years of university, on which they receive a degree in a particular trade they've mastered (in addition to furthering their general education).

20 Las'mo' (December) - Autumn's End Day
The last day of Autumn. A day to look back on Autumn and say a wistful good bye to its enjoyable aspects for the year, and to a lesser extent, to celebrate the end of its not so enjoyable aspects.

21 Las'mo' (December) - New Winter Day
The first day of Winter. A day to forget Autumn entirely, both good and bad, and look forward to the new season.

31 Las'mo' (December) - Last Day
Essentially the same as New Year's Eve on Earth.

Year-long holidays:

-00 = Century's End Year
Any year ending in 00. Established in the year 80, but not celebrated until 20 years later, obviously. It is the last year of the century, but there are no specific elements to its celebration. It's just something which everyone thinks of throughout the year, and considers rather auspicious, in a vague way.

-01 = New Century Year
Any year ending in 01. Established the year 80, but not celebrated until 21 years later. It is the first year of the new century, but there's no paricular difference between this and Century's End Year.

-000 = Millennium's End Year
Established in the year 80, but has yet to be celebrated. The last year of the millennium, it will coincide with the next Century's End Year, and will seem vaguely even more auspicious, but still... y'know, vague.

-001 = New Millennium Year
The first year of the new millennium, coinciding with the next New Century Year. No particular difference between this and Millennium's End Year.

Calendar of the Land
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