Second Order
Blue, Tobias (hm) ?-?, Sorret/First Village
psychotherapist. Co-founder of the Land's first asylum. Works for Demos Royal. Son of Mae and Shaw. Brother of Azura Blue, who is chief Sorreter of LandOrder's Plist branch. They grew up in Sorret, where she became a Sorreter and he opted to study science rather than magic. He's always had a fascination with the human mind, and though he claims to want to treat psychological maladies, those who truly know him realize he prefers playing with minds rather than fixing them. He always played mind games on his younger sister, who believes he tried to drive her insane just for the fun of it. He chose the Order name "Blue" just to annoy her, though she accepted the name herself as a sign of his failure to get to her. There are in fact some people who know Azura who claim she probably messed with her brother's mind as much as he did with hers.
Clueseek, Lou (hm) 885-?, Tonad
detective, Tonad PD. Partner of Joe Levitn.
Darkstrider, Quinn (hm) 883-?, Tanq/First Village
king 913-? Former police commissioner of Tanq.
Deadzone, René (hm) 874-?, Olek/Near Port
master-adept Sorreter, torturer; invented a personal anti-magic spell
Des'Eller, Castor (em) 843-?, Woodstockade
Elf Chief, High Sorcerer 893-?
Illustri, Macen (hm) 884-912, Triscot
military spy, noble. Son of Xander Illustri, older brother of Benj Illustri (see friends of the Chaos). Looks down on all non-nobles. Supported the Coming of the Order. Had a particular rivalry with Vallus (see Chaos Rebels).
Illustri, Xander (hm) 861-?, Triscot
banker, noble, village councillor 905-913. Head of the Illustri clan; husband of Emily, father of Macen (see above) and Benj Illustri (see friends of the Chaos). Supported the institution of a class system during the Coming of the Order.
Levitn, Joe (hm) 867-?, Tonad
detective, Tonad PD. Partner of Lou Clueseek.
Major, James (hm) ?-?, Port
army colonel née captain to former major Althis. Ambitious, honest, tough, fiercely loyal to Althis and the Order.
Masonjar, ? (hm) 850-?, Tonad
chief of police, Tonad PD.
Middlebury, Tovan (hm) 860-?, Ship/Near Port
Noblesse-Oblige, Arthur (hm) 837-? Triscot
Chief Councillor of Triscot, 905-913. Helped Demos Royal popularize the concept of nobility, by demonstrating his belief that the nobility had an obligation toward the less fortunate. This helped him get elected as head of his own village, and made him popular. Though he never really agreed with Demos about most matters, and certainly not with his chief rival on the Triscot Council, Xander Illustri. He was, however, a friend of Adam's before the Coming.
Portman, Althis (hm) 865-?, Ship/Port
navy admiral née army major.
Primus, Poss (hm) 844-?, Triscot/Kimrin/First Village
marshal née army general. He and his brother of Capp (see Gang Members) were born in Triscot, and their clan were among the founders of Kimrin. When he became marshal of the Order's armed forces after the Coming, he moved to First Village.
Royal, Beverly Gateman (hf) 862-?, Frinn/First Village
sculptor; queen honoris 911-912. Demos' wife, mother of Cheryl and Darcy. Divorced King Demons Royal in 912, and moved back to her clan's estate in Frinn.
Royal, Cheryl (hf) 913-?, Frinn
Twin sister of Darcy. Born after her parents' divorce.
Royal, Darcy (hf) 913-?, Frinn
Twin sister of Cheryl. Born after her parents' divorce.
Royal, Demos (hm) 859-?, First Village
trader; first king 905-912. Beverly's husband, father of Cheryl and Darcy.
Sanguine, Zeke (hm) 875-?, Sorret, wanders
Sorreter, helped implement the Plan. Sociopathic pyromaniac and murderer, friend and nominal mentor of Noson Turner and Macen Illustri.
Strawspin, Cliff (hm) ?-?, Plist
detective, Plist PD. Partner of Tom Verity. Nickname: Strawgrasp.
Stream-of-Consciousness, James (hm) 881-?, First Village
psychotherapist. Co-founder of the Land's first asylum. Disapproves of the actions of some of his coworkers, and helped Darius. But unwilling to abandon his belief in the Order.
Thesaurus, Giac (hm) 883-?, First Village
Demos' royal clown; chairman of ELC. Helped the Chaos, but retains his position in the royal court of the Order.
Turner, Noson (hm) 883-?, Sorret
shadeclone; master-adept and a councillor of Sorret. "Son" of Durell and Virtiana Turner (see Religious Figures). Not a spirit-talker, but a powerful Sorreter who was instrumental in winning the war. Has no official role in the First Order, and in fact few people outside of Sorret are aware of his existence.
Verity, Tom (hm) 880-?, Plist
detective, Plist PD. Partner of Cliff Strawspin.
Woodman, Charles (hm) ?-?, Near Port
army colonel née captain to former major Tovan. From a family of woodsmen; respects Tovan and is loyal to the Order, doesn't know Tovan is a sympathizer of the Protestants. Feels betrayed when Tovan helps Chaos escape.
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